About TD
About the Accessibility database (TD)
TD is today the only database in Sweden that offers information to residents and visitors about physical accessibility in everyday life. It's about everything from fishing spots, castles and hotels to health centers and libraries.
TD creates new conditions
TD spreads knowledge that small measures can create accessible environments. In the case of major interventions and redevelopments, municipalities as well as companies must reflect on accessibility when changing premises and procurements of various kinds.
Lack of accessibility means discrimination. Working with accessibility leads to increased health, democracy and participation for the residents.
TD helps to generate significant human and economic benefits.
TD benefits:
The resident and the visitor
- Choice before visit
- Preparation for visit
Public sector
- Conditions to provide service to all (increased diversity)
- Tools to identify physical barriers and comply with the discrimination act and the planning and building act.
Business sector
- More customers and increased turnover
- Strengthened brand
Property owner
- Tools to identify physical barriers and comply with legislation.
Politicians and decision makers
- After analysis by an expert, TD inventory reports can be used as a basis for actions.
TD's background
TD was originally developed in 2005 by Region Västra Götaland, the West Sweden Tourist Board, the collective disability movement in West Sweden in collaboration with companies and municipalities in Västra Götaland. Through its financial support, Arvsfonden has made TD's development possible. Both regional and national disability organizations have participated in this work.